My housemates and I are currently reading and discussing The Anxious Generation, by Jonathan Haidt, a book about the rise of teen mental illness. Sadly, we are relating to much of the content despite not being teens.
This mornings discussion was about the decline of risk.
Young Men Are Taking Less Risks
Or so the book claims. Haidt shares stats from surveys and hospital admittance data (which are down for young men). We specifically discussed young men this morning, though the book includes a lot of information about girls/young women.
Basically, we need to take risks in order to grow.
No risk, no reward. Or in this book, no risk, mental illness.
What Does Risk Mean?
Young people are travelling more than ever. They’re starting businesses. Eschewing careers for unstable influencer jobs.
Those are risky endeavours. So what do I mean by risk?
We decided that risk means “anything that confronts the unknown.”
And if this is true, then we all agreed that the numbers are lower. Or at least, our anecdotal experience makes it seem like it’s lower.
Young people travel, but they follow detailed itineraries, only eat where reviews are high, and are still constantly connected to their comfort zones back home. They start businesses while living at home, monetarily stable. Become influencers… well, I’m not quite sure about that one. Maybe they present a carefully curated picture of themselves that allows them to avoid the unknown consequences of being authentic online?
I am definitely guilty of all of these.
I’m In The Same Boat
The more we discussed this, the more I saw that I’m also avoiding risk, aka, the unknown.
And I didn’t like this feeling one bit.
I’ve been a writer for years, but it’s only recently that I’ve had the courage to post regular in public. I love helping other people develop their stories, but I become uncomfortable with standing up for my own stories. I’ve started businesses, but pull back after the first few failures.
I’ve confronted the unknown in other areas of my life. Travel, relationships, personal development. All areas that are thriving, which means I know it’s worth doing.
Maybe the reason my art has lagged behind is because I haven’t been as risky with it. I’m afraid of rejection and sharing creations that feel important to me. I’ve avoided the unknown and failed softly.
This is partly why I’m sharing these writings. It’s why I am reaching out and pitching scripts to producers. It’s why I’m finally animating on youtube.
Perhaps you’re in the same boat.
What risks are you avoiding? How can you take those next steps into the unknown? How can we stop being statistics?
Wish me luck. I’m rooting for you.