Do you want to improve your scripts? Score higher in contests? Get noticed by professionals?
Or do you need a writer? Send me a message to discuss your project.
I am a professional script reader who has worked with multiple companies, including COVERFLY and CASTING WORKBOOK. Each month I read and give feedback to over 100 scripts. My clients have had scripts produced, won contests, and gotten into festivals.
Short Film (~20 pgs) — $40 Half Hour Script (~35 pgs)— $70 Hour Long Script (~60 pgs) —$100 Feature (~115 pgs) — $175
What You Get
Logline & Score Sheet 3 pages of feedback that cover what’s working and what could be better. Actionable suggestions about:Â Plot, structure, characters, stakes, dialogue.
Short Film (~20 pgs) — $40 Half Hour Script (~35 pgs)— $70 Hour Long Script (~60 pgs) —$100 Feature (~115 pgs) — $175
What You Get
Logline 3 pages of feedback that cover what’s working and what could be better Actionable suggestions about: Plot, structure, characters, stakes, dialogue. Score sheet